Climate Youth Japan (CYJ) is a networked youth environmental NGO founded in March 2010 by Japanese youth who participated in the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2009. The vision of the NGO is "Realize an equitable and sustainable society through youth-led solutions to climate change issues. With the purpose of "Achieve the 1.5°C target and involve youth in the decision-making process of society," the NGO aims to achieve the 1.5°C target.
CYJ is managed by a President, two Vice presidents, an Accountant and a Manager of public relations.

堀岡 茜李 Akari Horioka
東京大学大学院 修士1年
副代表 (兼任:広報)
安次嶺 縁子 Yoriko Ashimine
国際基督教大学 2年
副代表 (兼任:企画 / リクルート)
関口政宗 Masamune Sekiguchi
東京大学大学院 修士1年
和田優希 Yuki Wada
奈良女子大学 4年
中嶋 彩香 Ayaka Nakajima
東京大学 2年
加藤 弘人 Hiroto Kato
一橋大学大学院 修士1年
富田 凜太郎 Rintaro Tomita
東京大学大学院 修士2年
金武 朝陽 Kinn Asahi

CYJ recruits new members en masse in the spring and fall. We are happy to welcome membership outside of the recruiting period, please send us an email at climateyouthjapan@gmail.com.
Notes on Membership
1. about the membership system
In order to increase the organization's own financial resources and make its activities easier, we are introducing a membership system in FY2018. (Students: 3,000 yen, Adults: 5,000 yen)
Members who join do not necessarily have to become supporting members, but they are entitled to receive the organization's annual report and activity expenses (funded from the budget).
2. dispatch to COP
Depending on the availability of accreditation (participation quota), you may not always be able to go even if you wish to. Please note that depending on the availability of funds, you may have to pay your own expenses.
Privacy Policy
CYJ recognizes the importance of personal information and believes that protecting personal information is a social responsibility. We promise to you that we will comply with laws and regulations concerning personal information and handle your personal information obtained through our activities in a safe and appropriate manner. For more details, please refer to the PDF.