Study Sessions
CYJ started study sessions in 2022.
Members who are interested in a common theme gather to raise their level of knowledge on a particular piece. We aim to produce more meaningful output as an organisation by updating that knowledge.
In addition, once every two months, we hold external open study sessions, where we report and share the knowledge and achievements obtained in each study group.

Energy Study Session
The purpose is to understand the current situation and vision on various scales, from the mechanism of individual energy procurement methods to the energy mix as a national policy. It will be held every other week and will be operated in an omnibus format of the affiliated members.
Legal Study Group
Using various themes related to climate change as material, we will examine legal issues and the current state of practice. After setting two major themes, we are examining each theme individually.
(1) Themes that have developed from the Western bloc into an international framework
At the very least, Business and Human Rights, ESG Investment, and Carbon Pricing will be dealt with on a reporting basis.
(2) The theme of what kind of role litigation activities related to energy and environmental problems play in modern society supported by advanced science and technology.
Participants will examine each case individually and examine the role that environmental litigation plays in society from a variety of perspectives.

International Conference Preparation
The goal is to strengthen the ability to communicate in English for international conferences (mainly COP) and to eliminate resistance to gathering information in English. Confirmation of environmental terminology through presentations, output in English of each supplementary study session and learning at school, etc., discussions based on articles and reports written in English (past COPs and other international conferences). do. We have discussions every time to improve our speaking.
Climate Change Adaptation Study Session
For a precise understanding of climate change adaptation which reduces the adverse impacts of climate change (or increases the positive impacts of climate change) by adjusting natural ecosystems and social and economic systems to climate change; We aim to cooperate and implement with industry and government in order to support the introduction of climate change adaptation measures in Japanese society, which is currently lagging behind.

Climate Justice Study Group
From basic knowledge of climate justice" such as responsibility for emissions and inequality of damage to an analytical understanding of the concept of responsibility, we will cultivate the way of thinking necessary for future activities.
Lifestyle Study Group
It is divided into study groups related to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and plant-based study groups. The plant-based study group aims to gain a comprehensive and multi-faceted understanding of vegetarian diets centered on health, the environment, and animal ethics, as well as to identify issues for their widespread adoption and to provide the knowledge gained to the outside world. increase.

Climate Justice Study Group
From basic knowledge of climate justice" such as responsibility for emissions and inequality of damage to an analytical understanding of the concept of responsibility, we will cultivate the way of thinking necessary for future activities.
Climate Change Adaptation Study Session
For a precise understanding of climate change adaptation which reduces the adverse impacts of climate change (or increases the positive impacts of climate change) by adjusting natural ecosystems and social and economic systems to climate change; We aim to cooperate and implement with industry and government in order to support the introduction of climate change adaptation measures in Japanese society, which is currently lagging behind.